Why We Love Guanacaste, Costa Rica

2017-02-13T21:10:17+00:00June 20th, 2016|

Why do we love Guanacaste, Costa Rica? Guanacaste is a tough, rugged, hot, potholed, music-filled, bull-riding, surfing, make the most with what you have optimistic province that teaches you how to squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of life, and we love every bit of it. Pura Vida House is located along the rugged northwest [...]

Monkeying Around in Costa Rica

2020-10-15T18:08:55+00:00May 25th, 2016|

Hilarious Monkey Monkeying Around in Costa Rica Monkeys are definitely fascinating animals, and we never get tired of seeing them while we're out and about (and in front of Pura Vida House) down here in Costa Rica. Watch this short video below of some of our own monkey highlight reel we've captured this past season. Come [...]

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