Add Quality Years to Your Life

2020-10-16T13:45:03+00:00May 9th, 2015|

Besides Okinawa, Japan, the place where people live the longest in the world is Guanacaste, where we are! Meet our friend Plinio, high in his 80's, and still going strong, and happy! He stays active all day long; taking his cattle back and forth to different grazing pastures and water, chopping wood, and walking all [...]

Barra Honda Caves in Costa Rica

2020-10-16T13:51:31+00:00April 28th, 2015|

We explored caves and waterways that were carved out by the action of rain filtering through the limestone over 70 million years ago! The Barra Honda caves will be a new excursion next season, as well as swimming in off-the-beaten-path bioluminescent plankton pools. Check out these ghost-like formations! Come with a group of friends or [...]

Guanacaste Easter Tradition

2020-10-16T14:24:39+00:00April 9th, 2015|

Watch this short video below showing part of an Easter tradition that takes place in a few small villages in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, including our own, Paso Hondo. Not quite a church-sanctioned event, villagers parade a puppet of Judas around on horseback, and go door-to-door singing and asking for liquor to corrupt Judas. Then at [...]

Marimba Night in Santa Cruz

2020-10-16T14:29:06+00:00March 6th, 2015|

Experience some street marimba with us after the Santa Cruz, Guanacaste rodeo. Toros a la Tica are great, but marimba music, the national music of Costa Rica, is a huge treat in the streets of the cultural capital of the country! Enjoy!

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